Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How to Keep Your Weight Loss New Year Resolution

So many of us make a New Year Resolution to lose weight and get in shape. We start out motivated and eager to exercise. By the third month, we lose focus and no longer make time to continue our workouts. Additionally, our eating habits have reverted back to takeout, junk food and everything else that motivated us to make the resolution in the first place. To avoid losing focus becoming discouraged, here are a few tips to help you reach your fitness goals.

  1. Find a serious workout buddy with the same goals. Workout partners are more likely to motivate and hold each other accountable. It could also be fun and very competitive. Forming a contest is a great way to keep each partner focused.
  2. Watch what you eat by tracking your calories and keeping a food journal. By doing so, you are more likely to be aware of your daily caloric intake. In best practice, try not to skip meals. Do your best to eat three moderate healthy meals with two healthy snacks in between to stabilize your metabolism. You can also use a Calorie Counter from your phone app (iPhone   / Android) to help you stay on track.
  3. Set progressive, realistic small fitness goals to reach your overall goal. You are more likely to achieve more with less discouragement. 
  4. Make time for your daily workouts by creating a schedule. Workouts should last no more than 1 1/2 hours per day – four to five days a week. You can also do short “explosive” exercises for 15 to 30 minutes per day.
  5. Create a structured program so you will know which exercises to execute each training day. Hire a Personal Trainer if you need assistance with your program, proper equipment use or to keep motivated and held accountable. If you are new to the gym scene, a Personal Trainer would be a great asset to you getting started.
Hang in there! Do not allow yourself to become discouraged if you've encountered a minor setback. Things happen in life, but it's your choice to make the best of everything!

You CAN and WILL make your goals a reality!

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